
Wandesia (s. str.) boyani Li & Guo, sp. nov., a new species representing a newly recorded subfamily Wandesiinae Schwoerbel, 1961 from China

  • Haitao Li ,
  • Xinyao Gu ,
  • Daochao Jin ,
  • Jianjun Guo
  • Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of the Mountainous Region, Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Pests in Guiyang, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Guiyang 550025, P. R. China

Online published: 2021-04-24

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This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31772421, 31750002), Guizhou Science and Technology Project (Qiankehe Pingtai Rencai [2017] 5788)


A new species, Wandesia (s. str.) boyani Li & Guo, sp. nov., is described and illustrated in detail, which is collected from Qinghai-Tibet plateau, P.R. China, and represents a newly recorded subfamily Wandesiinae (Acari: Hydrachnidiae: Hydryphantidae) to Chinese fauna. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having stalked acetabula ranged triangularly, developed pregenital sclerite lily-like, E4 at the middle of Ac-1 and Ac-2.

Cite this article

Haitao Li , Xinyao Gu , Daochao Jin , Jianjun Guo . Wandesia (s. str.) boyani Li & Guo, sp. nov., a new species representing a newly recorded subfamily Wandesiinae Schwoerbel, 1961 from China[J]. Zoological Systematics, 2021 , 46(2) : 176 -181 . DOI: 10.11865/zs.2021203

