Thecomplete mitochondrial genome of Acanthacorydalisorientalis (McLachlan)was determined and analyzed (GenBank accession number: KF840564). This paper representsthe first mitochondrial (mt) genome of the dobsonfly genus Acanthacorydalis. The mt genome is a typical circular DNA of 15 753 bp composed of 37 genes with an A+Tcontent of 76.7%. It has an ancestral gene arrangement of the insect mt genomes.Eleven of the 13 PCGs start with codon ATT and ATG, while several exceptionssuch as ATA and TTG respectively for atp8and nad1 are also present. Five protein-codinggenes end with a single T, while others have a termination codon of TAA or TAG.Most tRNAs are folded into the typical clover-leaf structure except for the trnS1 whose dihydrouridine arm was a simpleloop. The secondary structure of rrnl consists of five structural domains and 50 helices, while the rrns includes three domains and 34helices. The control region has a stretches of Ts with a length of 22 bp butlacks obvious tandem repeat region. Both Bayesian inference and maximumlikelihood (ML) analyses, based on all 13 protein-coding genes and two rRNAgenes of the mt genomes, confirm the monophyly of Corydalinae and suggest that Acanthacorydalis, together with Corydalus, which is an endemic dobsonflygenus from the New World, belong to a monophyletic lineage.
Yi-Ran Wang
Yu-Yu Wang
Wen-Cheng Chang
Xing-Yue Liu
Ding Yang
. Sequencing and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the giant dobsonfly Acanthacorydalis orientalis (McLachlan) (Insecta: Megaloptera: Corydalidae)[J]. Zoological Systematics, 2014
, 39(2)
: 209
DOI: 10.11865/zs20140202